Dear Customer,

Please note Logistics cost applied in 2021.

1. DRY FCL container deliver inside termial CONTECAR / SPRC Cartagena.

Cost: USD 35 per container.

Booking confirmations must be at least 3 labour days before the stuffing appointment in the terminal.

Containers in the terminal are assigned directed by termina and are not inspected and may have damages, hence if any unit is rejected, we will change it but will not cover any additional cost, only general cargo will be assigned.

DRY FCL container deliver inside SPRBU / SPIA terminals.

There is no deliver inside BUN terminals.

2. Reffer and DRY containers delivery inside CONTECAR / SPRC Cartagena.

Cost: USD 100 per container.

Terminal apoiment cancelation cost is USD 15, this cost is generated when apiments cancelation is done by client after we already have taken it in terminal system.

Units used as transportation units will have a USD50 cost.

Booking confirmations must be at least 3 labour days before the stuffing appointment in the terminal.

Reffer and DRY containers delivery inside SPRBU / SPIA terminals

There is no deliver inside BUN terminals

3. Reefer Setting change after client pick up or for units deliver inside CTG terminal.

Cost: USD 50 per container, increase additional cost for handlings , removals etcetera sull be charged to client.

4. Roll over fot mty containers deliver inside terminal.

Cost: USD 65 per container, if a setting deconfiguration take place new setting will be charged as a reefer setting (USD50).

5. Container return (all depots).

Cost: USD 35 per DRY container.

Cost: USD 45 per REEFER container.

Cost must be accepted before container return in depots.

6. IMO / damage units stripped at terminal.

Cost: USD 109 per container, this cost cover gate out / in, drayage round trip, gate in / out, plus IMO stikers removal.


CMA CGM Colombia

Client Advisory...