
用我的CMA CGM以电子方式签署您的LOI文档!188金宝慱亚洲体育官网

As we continue to streamline our processes and grow our digital platform, we are developing new tools to better serve you. Through the online LOI eSignature feature on the CMA CGM website, shippers will no longer have to sign and mail hard copies of their documents. eLOIs have an eSignature functionality that allows shippers to sign an online document and send it directly to the agent electronically. Customers can access the signed document at any time on the My CMA CGM dashboard.

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Being part of theCMA CGM组,全球最大的集装箱运营商之一,这要归功于当地团队的专业知识CMA CGM Agency AG Switzerland已成为集装箱商品物流和运输中的参考。

CMA CGM经营一支舰队3,900,000 TEUs并拥有最大,最年轻的舰队之一reefer containers。无论它们是什么,这些货物都将被装载到标准容器中,从规格的货物中,在扁平架上的项目货物或在冷藏集容器中易腐商品,CMA CGM has always the answer to meet the needs of its customers

您的替代文字在这里...CMA CGM Agency AG Switzerland支持CMA CGM GermanyWith18 years of expertiseCMA CGM巴塞尔公司在出口和进口运输中,专门的礁石和X贸易运输innovative services with logistics solutions以及多模式运输,以满足瑞士的所有客户需求。
In Basel, a team ofSpecialists for Sales and Customer Service可以在本地吸引我们的客户,并可以提供量身定制的运输和物流解决方案。文件和运营部集中在我们最大的办公室Hamburg



CMA CGM瑞士正在使用不同的网关将当地货物运送到该国。不仅是Benelux PortsorSouth Portsin the Mediterranean Sea are important seaports, as well theGerman Ports用于这个多门户国家。

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通过我们的直接FAL Services(FAL1/FAL2/FAL3/FAL5/FAL6andFAL7) CMA CGM is offering ex/to our two German ports Hamburg and Wilhelmshaven six calls per week connecting Asia and Middle East.
也通过我们的直接BEX2CMA CGM服务(Phoenician Express)正在提供往返该区域的每周连接。

FAL1-4 FAL6-7

These services provide a direct interface to all main ports of North, Central and South China as well as in Pusan, South Korea and in the whole Asian market.

CMA CGM is offering a fast and reliable service from North European Ports to Shanghai and North China with Tianjin, Xingang and Dalian and is completing with an improved coverage out of South China with direct calls in Yantian, Nansha, Hong Kong, and Xiamen. All Southeast Asian ports are connected via a dedicated feeder network via our own Singapore HUB or HUB in Port Kelang.

CMA CGM在科伦坡的直接呼吁中,与印度东海岸和孟加拉国市场建立了最佳联系。直接致电吉达(Jeddah)和霍尔·法克坎(Khor Al Fakkan)正在完成我们向阿拉伯海湾和红海地区的报价。

直接连接到North America:

CMA CGM将提供4个每周的服务,德国连接北美和加拿大:

Two weekly services ex/to Bremerhaven with very short transit time to/fromNorth America East Coast & Gulf and MexicoviaVictoryandLiberty服务。这些服务呼吁美国所有主要的铁路坡道连接,并与全国各地的长途运输建立完美的联系。

此外,CMA CGM每周提供一次致电BremerhavenCanada East CoastviaSt. Laurent 1Service.


一项“直接所有水”服务,每周一次致电/汉堡连接汉堡West Coast of North AmericaviaCalifornia Bridge, this "direct all water" service will complete CMA CGM's coverage of all U.S. coasts.

直接连接到Central- and South America

CMA CGM将提供两次每周的德国港口,向南美提供:

TheEUROLAS XLService is connecting Hamburg with the南美西海岸包括一些加勒比海港口,通过在瓦尔帕莱索(Valparaiso)的直接呼叫以及通过卡洛(Callao)的伊奎克(Iquique),圣维森特(San Vicente)和圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)的无缝接力提供了从 /到北欧的最佳覆盖范围。

One additional service, theSafranservice, with one weekly call in Hamburg is connecting theEast Coast of South America, with perfect connection via Montevideo to Asuncion, Paraguay.


In addition, theECSservice is offering one weekly call ex Hamburg toCentral America and the Caribbean Sea。CMA CGM金斯顿的电话中心,CMACGM allows a seamless relay of cargo to and from all Caribbean, Central and South American markets using CMA CGM's Global service Network.


CMA CGM将提供两个每周的德国港口电话东医学区:

TheFemex1service is connecting Bremerhaven to希腊(piraeus)和火鸡(Kumport, Gebze, Gemlik and Aliaga), enabling connection with in house services linking Turkey with an important range of areas (Asia, Arabian Gulf, Red Sea, West Africa, North, Central and South America).

TheBaltic Levant Express (NCLEVANT)is connecting Hamburg to亚历山大,默辛和贝鲁特。两项服务都呼叫MED(Tangier,Malta和Valencia)中的主要集线器端口。马耳他是北非,亚得里亚海和西地中海港口,瓦伦西亚和丹吉尔的重要枢纽,北非,美国,加勒比海和西非。



TheNewmoServiceis the fastest direct service from Europe toAustraliawith its weekly call in Hamburg.

The direct fixed-day weekly service is connecting Europe with Australia (Southbound) and Australia with Singapore, Port Kelang, India, Colombo and Europe (Northbound).

Several connections from Australia are available, namely to Southeast Asia, South India, North Africa and East Med.


HUB connection to Africa

West Africa is served via good HUB connection in Tangier, Algeciras and Le Havre with total five weekly calls ex HUB Port丹吉尔as wellAlgeciraswith the following Services:EURAF1-EURAF2-EURAF3-EURAF4,EURAF5andWazzan服务。EURAF5服务能also be used ex north continent HUB portLe Havre完美连接到West African ports as well as to Morocco


东非端口通过HUB port Khor al FakkanviaFAL1或通过集线器指数viaNewmoservice with feeder connection toEast Africa and Indian Ocean destinations, for example withSwahili ExpressandNoura Express

您的替代文字在这里...CMA CGM应用程序

Digitization and thee-commerce开发是CMA CGM组的首要任务。188金宝慱网址我们的目标是通过利用新的现代运输体验来帮助您节省时间并提高性能。

Digitization eases and simplifies the relationship with customers to provide them a flawless and more efficient customer experience.Customer centricity and digitization是小组策略的中心:我们很高兴向您介绍188金宝慱亚洲体育官网

  • 188金宝慱亚洲体育官网: a 100% digital eco-system
  • 新的功能范围来数字化客户体验
  • A new sales channel offered to our customers

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