
自由雕像复制品已经到达纽约CMA CGM Nerval

  • 自由夫人的妹妹越过大西洋后到达纽约。
  • 定制解决方案用于运输这家杰出的货物。
  • 雕像将在独立日前往埃利岛(Ellis Island)向游客展示。

188金宝慱网址CMA CGM集团是航运和物流领域的领导者,今天庆祝了来自法国勒阿弗尔(Le Havre)的纽约自由女神像复制品的到来。她到达纽约和新泽西州港口时举行了欢迎仪式,在Ed Aldridge,CMA CGM总裁和APL北美总裁,法国驻美国大使Philippe Etienne的总裁,新泽西州州长Phil Phil Murphy,作为法国大使,作为美国大使。well as Kevin O’Toole, Chairman of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, and U.S. Customs & Border Protection Acting Port Director, Ed Fox.

图像对于这种出色的运输,该集团一直与美国国家艺术学院(Conseraire National Des Arts etMétiers)(CNAM)和法国大使馆合作合作。在勒阿弗尔(Le Havre),从1878年的奥古斯特·巴索迪(Auguste Bartholdi)制作的雕像于6月23日在CMA CGM Nerval上拍摄,这是一艘985英尺长的船,能够携带6,500 Teus。



移动雕像所需的定制服务和专业知识清楚地证明了CMA CGM集团在设计和为全球客户提供无缝的端到端解决方案方面的广泛功能。188金宝慱网址

在埃利斯岛(Ellis Island)的独立日

CMA CGM Group的物流子公司CEVA Logistics从纽约和新泽西港口运输和安装标志性的雕像,可在Ellis Island上观看。这款自由雕像将于7月1日至6日展出,这要归功于与自由伊利斯岛基金会和国家公园管理局的合作协议,以庆祝独立日。


CMA CGM和APL北美总裁Ed Aldridge说,,,,"On behalf of the CMA CGM Group, I am pleased to commemorate this historic day and welcome Lady Liberty’s Little Sister to the United States. This project truly demonstrates the CMA CGM Group’s capabilities both in ocean transportation and logistics as well as our expertise in executing tailor-made, end-to-end solutions around the world. With this symbolic journey, our company is honored to play a role in representing the important friendship between the U.S. and France."

法国大使菲利普·埃蒂安(Philippe Etienne)说,“当我们在2019年开始就该项目进行讨论时,我们不知道这雕像在大流行和不确定性之后将是什么光明的。法国人民对美国人民。她的妹妹将由于历史学家,艺术家和工程师的共同努力而到达美国;民间社会,文化机构和来自两国的公司。我真的很荣幸能打招呼法国人和美国人民之间友谊的象征,这种自由启发了世界 - 捍卫它比以往任何时候都重要的核心价值。这位自由女神使我们想起了我们对民主的共同承诺我们国际订婚,目标和成功的最重要基础。”

新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲(Phil Murphy)说,,,,"I take great pride that Lady Liberty’s little sister has disembarked in America in the Port of Elizabeth, New Jersey. As New Jerseyans, we welcome this statue, cast from Frederic-August Bartholdi’s original molds, not just because of what it is as a matter of art and history, but what it represents. I hope, and trust, her presence will enlighten all who see her to live up to her values in their own lives and actions – and to the highest shared values of our nations."

港口管理局主席凯文·奥图尔(Kevin O'Toole)说,“纽约和新泽西州的港口管理局很荣幸能成为该机构历史上这一历史时刻的一部分,该机构正在纪念今年的百年纪念。whether that’s people via our airports or vehicular crossings, or the global commerce that uses our seaport as the primary gateway to the U.S. East Coast. The arrival of this Statue of Liberty, smaller but no less significant, at our seaport after a challenging year for the entire world shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that our international relationships truly matter, now more than ever before."