Job Opportunities in CMA CGM Viet Nam


Job Opportunities in CMA CGM Viet Nam

If you can’t find a suitable vacancy, we encourage you to send us your CV

We keep your application on file and will contact you in case we have an opening that matches your skills, abilities and experiences.

Thank you!

Beware of Recruiting and New Hire scams!

Fraudulent messages are in circulation purporting to offer a job at CMA CGM in exchange of money or requesting personal information to complete payroll forms before an official job offer. These messages are not from CMA CGM.

We will never ask you to share your bank details, credit card information, or pay a fee when applying for a job with us. Our job opportunities are free of charge


  • To apply directly for a seafarer position, send your application to the following email address:

    Do not respond to unsolicited propositions and/or offers from people who can’t prove they represent the company. If you come across a message of this nature, contact us immediately.
  • All the other job offers of the Group are communicated through recognized professional networks such as our LinkedIn official page, our website, or via an official company email address under the “” domain name.
  • View Job Detail

    HCM – Customer Service Executive

    Job number: 0002